Listen to this interview with Lynne Taylor (Common Core Diva)....
The Fake News that has allowed Common Core Initiative to grow and plague our nation need you to fight it. Today, we are seeing voices of truth almost as non-existent in the mainstream media. So much brainwashing is going on that good people are overwhelmed. But the lies must be fought by caring parents. Truth is powerful. We were sold big lies--Education is the new Civil Rights says Arne Duncan. They even had the gall to use a successful elementary school as their example (ranked as one of four schools in the nation that had lowered the achievement gap and won the Dispelling the Myth Award). This school is now ranked 559th in the state of Alabama. Please share the truth everywhere on fb, on twitter, in churches, with your friends and relatives. It is time as too many children are suffering to the point we are asking Pres. Trump to hear parents as he is the only one in government that shows he cares... He is overwhelmed by attacks and we must join him...starting in prayer. Please share this website and check on our call to action. Your help is needed for children's sake as fb and twitter are diminishing truths.
Do you know any upset parents because Common Core has harmed their kids? A lawsuit is in the works to bring down Common Core and ESSA by destroying the ability to data-mine kids. We know that Big Data is the linchpin to it all. Without Big Data, Common Core and ESSA collapse. The right lawsuit will stop the collection of data on children by schools, districts and state boards of education. We will use the courts to sue for damages regarding data-mining our children without parental consent. Here's what we are looking for . . . .
There is a very good chance that the family will receive monetary compensation as a result of this important court case. Also, there is a very good chance that the child's identity will be kept anonymous. The services of the attorneys will be pro-bono and cost nothing to the plaintiff's family. If you know of cases that fit this description, please email us at: [email protected] Thanks! You might be able to change the course of education in this nation! --Joan Landes CHMC We the people are fed up. Here are some easy actions to take. Also, please remember to get our app on home page-it too has quick phone link to Congress Operator. 1. This is a great country of people that gives 1/3 of the world's charitable contributions. Yet, to hear some people we do not give enough, so open borders is what they want. But the facts are that our borders are being used to bring death to our nation see facts LINK TO BRIEFING DOCUMENT: Make yourself be heard by filling out this petition and support the Movement to Fund the Border Wall: 2. We do welcome others to the point they can get an elected position but the antics of Rashida Tlaib has drawn ire of many freedom loving Americans who also love their President. Her first famous act in Congress saying "We will impeach the motherf____ is not acceptable January 3, 2019 see link here to her words. Here are steps to make yourself be heard: House Ethics Committee Call Phone# 202 225 7103 Can send Fax to (202) 225 7392 or physically mail letter to Committee on Ethics 1015 LongworthHouse Offce Bldg Washington DC 20515 Also can go submit online at Office of Congressional Ethics click this Link to submit (202) 225-9739 In 45 days public should know 3. Because of the Trump Collusion Investigation Setup, We the people recognize the importance of Data Privacy and do not want every spec of action data-mined. Unfortunately, we have seen our government used by evil people who are undermining our US Constitution. Click here for more info and a sample letter and please feel free to use parts of it and make it your own. Send it to this link so Whitehouse and Pres. Trump can hear you above the attacks he is getting. HR 4174 passed in lame duck session and must be vetoed. Go to this Whitehouse page ask Pres to Veto HR4174 and protect your family's data Click to link to
In today's world, where everybody experiences pain, it is said that there is nothing like helping someone else to change things. Sure you are busy, but if you can help the least of us, you will probably end up helping yourself. Just a few clicks today for start can help move mountains . Please feel free to copy and paste this letter below and make changes as you see fit to make it more yours. Thank you (Please kindly help us by joining the #ParentsTurnwithPOTUS by filling out contact info below so that if fb or twitter ever removes us then you will still have access to information that we need to share for children's sake. May the LORD bless you and your family and shine his face upon you.) Click here to open up the Link to where to send the Letter To President Trump Dear President You can make a difference for our families. We have seen you work hard , we believe in you but realize you can't know everything. Right now our families are under attack with passage of a data interoperability bill that supposedly will give government more ability to see how efficient their money is being used but bottom line it destroys families data privacy--it is before you to sign HR4174. Please study and hear our parents plea. Research will show you the danger of this bill as you have yourself experienced the havoc of data intrusion and it is being used to destroy your family as we speak. Please veto HR4174! Also kindy give parents the opportunity to sit down and speak with you --we call it #ParentsTurnwithPOTUS (read more). How fitting when you already sit down with many groups and organizations. The suicide rate has now reached a level that there is more teen dying from it than car crashes!! We need you to hear from us as we have experts who can help you see the problems and how to fix it. I know to some we are just parents but as you know as a parent--we know how to help our children best. Please set up a meeting with our experts. Our website is and we have a group that is ready to help and experts. Thank you for your time and for your sacrifices. WE would do anything you ask if you would just have this meeting with us--that is how important children are to us. We believe you feel the same way. God bless you and your family. May you see and know the people behind our movement is great and we are behind you. We need your help behind precious children. Thank you. H Please join our movement-fill out your contact info so you can continue to get info if Fb or Twitter decides we are politically incorrect. Sadly, children are under attack...but God is with us and hope you are too. Also if you are able give a gift of HOPE(see above-your one time gift of any amount is appreciated as we are working on building a HopeInk Roku Channel) and please listen to our blogtalk podcasts and get our free activism app. You can also scan this barcode to it: Here's great article from Christel Swasey on HR4174 |
Please download Call to Action file above for printable brochure to help