KCarl Smith On Who Do You Follow? When Families Are at the End of Their Ropes--Time For Choosing.10/27/2024 KCarl Smith--On Two Men Born In The Same Year With Powerful Messages For Life and Death, For Liberty and Tyranny, For Slavery and FreedomTranscript of his speech: ...My father received his bachelor's degree in mathematics. He was in the first group of black engineers, that was hired by the German scientist Wernher Von Braun in Huntsville, Alabama. So we moved from Arkansas to Alabama in 1964. From Arkansas to Alabama, you're not following me. From Arkansas to Alabama, George Wallace country in 1964. When a lot of blacks were leaving the south, my father said, "This better be further south." But growing up, one thing my parents willed to me is the faith in Jesus Christ. And because of that, God has opened my eyes to things, how we can save this nation with the best way to save this nation by embracing the liberty and justice of Frederick Douglass. What I have for you on the handout is very simple, contrasting the lives of Frederick Douglass and Karl Marx. Karl Marx is the person that those who want to make us a communist country have embraced. But when you contrast the lives of Frederick Douglass and Karl Marx, something is just gonna jump out. Both Douglass and Karl Marx were born in 1818, Karl Marx, the father of communism. Frederick Douglass, in my view, the greatest liberty messenger in this country, by far, is Frederick Douglass. Because when Douglass talked and he wrote, he had a former slave perspective. He wasn't a racist, he was a victim of racism. He wasn't a slave owner , he was a slave. But in his writings, in his speeches, he affirmed the founding father's and he affirmed the constitution and the left has no answer to that. You remember that Carl Marx was a theorist about oppression. He wrote about things he never experienced because he came from an affluent family. Frederick Douglass had real life experiences about oppression. He was a slave for the first 20 years of his life. I kind of jumped down here a little bit. Carl Marx when you read about his life. Carl Marx was not an atheist, he was a Satanist. Frederick Douglass was ordained Christian preacher. You see the contrast? Because when Douglass talked and he wrote, he had a former slave perspective. He wasn't a racist, he was a victim of racism. He wasn't a slave owner , he was a slave. But in his writings, in his When Karl Marx passed away, Karl Marx died in abject poverty. Frederick Douglass died with $300,000 in savings. That's not bad. Well, for a guy who was a slave for the first 20 years of his life. But that's the life of Douglass. I'm gonna put me on the clock because I'm on my A -game today. (audience laughing) But what's important about Frederick Douglass is that Frederick Douglass has left us a literary legacy on that handout you have on that second page. We call that the life-empowering values of Frederick Douglass. These are things that, what I call the tenets of liberty, we have to make sure if we gonna become the state free as a nation and keep our God given rights, there's certain things we have to keep. And Douglas wrote about these things. Friendly, Douglas wrote about immigration. He wrote about parental school choice. He wrote about the US Constitution, right to keep and bear arms. He wrote about the idea of education. Douglas believed that education's your escape route from slavery. Doug was in Baltimore speaking one time at a church, packed room of pastors, and he said to them, "Pastors, save your money. Buy land. Build schools. Save your money. Buy land. Build schools." And with that as an inspiration to me, my brothers and I, we're starting a Christian Academy in the iron dirt up there in Birmingham. We'd be a STEM Academy, science, technology, engineering, and math. Because I have a 14 -year -old son. I can't sit back and wait for the public school system to come around. Because you don't get one opportunity to get the education of your child right. I can't wait 40 years. So that's something I have to do to move the needle in terms of my child's education and those of his age after him. Let me tell you some and I'm going to sit down. What I'm known for, I created based on my personal experience of a persuasive messaging model called the Frederick Douglass Republican Engagement Strategy. Let me take about three minutes to tell this story. When Karl Marx passed away, Karl Marx died in abject poverty. Frederick Douglass died K Carl grew up as a Social Democrat in Huntsville, then...So I grew up as a Social Democrat in Huntsville. Then as I became aware of the political ideologies, my faith kind of leaned more toward conservatism. But you got to understand in the black community the word conservatism is not the language of liberty, the word conservatism is the language of oppression. So you just about a year of conservatism, especially many of you are racists or you're an Uncle Tom. So I was invited to a friend's house to watch football game. 18 to 20 blacks were there. All my friends, they were black Democrats. And the subject of politics came up. When I told my friends I was a Conservative Republican, the attacks began. They called me everything but a child of God. Uncle Tom, house negro. Your parents must be disappointed in you. So I went home that night thinking mostly praying about, how can I win this narrative? How can I articulate my conservative values of being in the offense not the defense? So over a period of time, God pricked my spirit and I started reading the writings of Frederick Douglass. And so a year later, I invited those same friends of mine to my home to watch a football game. Reluctantly, they came and the subject of politics came up again. They said, "Okay, Carl, he's a conservative." K Carl-"Wait a minute. I'm more than a conservative, I'm a Frederick Douglass Republican and I embrace the life and power and values of Frederick Douglass. What I shared with them that night, all my friends started talking about how they were a Frederick Douglass Republican too. It's all about values, okay? These are values, these are not issues because values unite, issues divide. So my message to you is this. If we're serious about defending liberty, if we're serious about defending the Constitution, if we're serious about making sure we keep and maintain our God-given rights, we must make Frederick Douglass an integral part of our conversation. If not, we're going to fail. That's why we're failing now, but we have not leveraged Douglass. So thank God we have a life of Douglass and we have the liberty message of Frederick Douglass that the left has no answer for and they never will. We've got to be wise enough and astute enough to leverage what God has given us. Oh, by the way, I do want to share with you this engagement strategy that God gave me that is based on Liberty Blessings of Frederick Douglass. It's based on the outreach ministry of Jesus Christ in the first chapter of Acts. It's also based on the diversity engagement philosophy of in the Apostle Paul. When you really think about it, the Apostle Paul was a diversity engagement specialist. Paul is gonna take the message to the Gentiles, right? People of different ethnicities. So when you take Frederick Douglass, Jesus Christ, the Apostle Paul, and you fuse it together, you have a persuasive message model that Satan has no answer for, Marxists have no answer for, and it resonates with people. And I got a call from the teacher and my son said, God uses a child to show the way...Last before I sit down, I have a younger son, 14 years old, when he was about 10 years old, he studied a two -party system in his classroom. After they studied the history of both parties, the Democratic Republican Party, they went around the classroom asking all the students, are you a Democrat or you're a Republican? Susie, are you a Democrat? Johnny? So my son is named Kyle. When they asked Kyle, Kyle, are you a Democratic Republican?" Kyle said, neither, I'm a Frederick Douglass Republican. And I got a call from the teacher and my son said, Dad, I got to give a report to my class on what a Frederick Douglass Republican is. And I gave him some of these cards he took to the school and the cards got in the hands of some of the parents. Parents called me and said, hey, I did not know this. Black parents said I'm a Frederick Douglass Republican too. That's the name we got to use. Give up the word conservative. That's why we're losing. Learn how to become a better message of liberty and to engage your your grandchildren and your children. Inspire them to understand the messageof liberty by learning how we got to become better message of liberty so we can have conversations with people not confrontation. I appreciate it. Thank you so much." KCarl's speech shows us that God makes a way when there's seems to be no way. God already pre-ordained the life of Frederick Douglass to Help Americans Reconcile with the Word and the Truth that can set "all" men free. 2 Cor 5:20 Isaiah 43:19 – “Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.”
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