DeSantis states the term "The Courage to Be Free? Does the Republican Legislators have it...or have they already sold their souls?Why does the supposedly one of the reddest of the Red States allow the left to take-over the minds of their young. In a Republican majority state, one would think we would follow Florida our next door neighbor's example. Yet, we do the very opposite. Here are some food for thought: Could it be that the Speaker of the House in Alabama (Nathaniel Ledbetter) is not a true Republican (after all he is a former Democrat) or was he misled? Could it be that the Leadership of the state is led by leftists US Chamber of Commerce (BCA is the representative of it in Alabama.) Could it be that there is corruption amongst it's leaders? Could it be that many of the Republicans are following bad policies and are listening to the lure of money vs what's good for Alabama's children? Could it be that many citizens ( after all they have the final say with their votes) see these leaders as good Christian leaders and have forgotten the warnings in the Word and are overlooking the danger to children? Alabamians need to really study their leaders as some are not as conservative as they should be. The results that show us that are: 1. Common Core stayed for a decade even though it has failed children year after year and Alabama scored at the very bottom of the nation time after time! 2. Common Core Math was replaced by Gov. Ivey with guess what....Common Core Math. 3. HB123 which heralded mental health ( a Core pillar of Joe Biden's policy to promote Wokeism) into the school systems was sponsored by its new Speaker of the House, Nathaniel Ledbetter. 4. Wokeism is evidently being served (thanks to new bills HB123 and SB171) across the state but is being trumpeted by the Speaker across the state. 5. Alabama Speakers of the House has some records in corruption that are very worrisome (Hubbard, McCutcheon): So if Nathaniel Ledbetter can truly remove wokeness and Common Core from our schools, he would be the first in a chain of corrupt common core gatekeepers masquerading as Speaker of the House. Ron DeSantis is coming to Alabama...we will see who our leaders will follow or will they continue to miss the mark?? It would be better to be thrown into the sea with a millstone hung around your neck than to cause one of these little ones to fall into sin. Luke 17:2 What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul? Matt 16:26 Listen Powerful 5 min video and click on pics below for links to important articles! Decide today who your family will serve.The group’s stance echoes the one its members have almost uniformly endorsed...The venerable U.S. Chamber of Commerce—the biggest U.S. lobbying organization and the voice of business on Capitol Hill—is coming out. After decades of silence on issues of sexual orientation and gender identity, it’s become a staunch supporter of the proposed federal Equality Act, which makes explicit civil rights protections for LGBT citizens.
The chamber’s new position isn’t brave, exactly. The group’s stance echoes the one its members have almost uniformly endorsed
To be in the dark is very dangerous for the center of most families , their children. Many young parents are busy working to provide for their families to realize that drastic changes are happening in today's schools. They barely have time to watch the news so most are surprised that their wonderful schools are now being run by evil. Here's three articles to make you realize it's not just one lone incident. They are stories from different counties. The bills recently passed in 2022 ( SB171 with it's multi-tiered system of support an idea sprung by National School Psychologgist Assn. aka NASP to allow SEL aka social emotional learning) interventions in schools to supposedly help kids academically, and HB123 that set up mental health in schools- sponsored by new Speaker of the House, Ledbetter) are warning signs that Alabama children are being guided by leftist national associations with full $upport from Biden Adminisration. As Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in response to Biden's State of the Union speech, the divide is now between normal and crazies who can't even define a woman. The sweet teachers are unfortunately just the outer layer of the folks involved with raising precious children. And yes, many are good teachers but they are being over run by a system and to help defend the children...parents must stand. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children. " Hosea 4:6 For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul." Mark 8:36 What Does Hubbard, McCutcheon & Ledbetter Have in Common? Sad to say these previous Speakers (Hubbard & McCutcheon) destroyed Alabama education. Hubbard helped usher in Common Core State Standards Initiative which was re-named College and Career Readiness. McCutcheon made sure it stayed along with who many considered as the Common Core Gatekeeper, Terri Collins, who came into Alabama politics about the same time Common Core did. Many states have now seen the light and most prominent fighter is Ron De Santis of Florida who has now put Florida education on top nationally by getting rid of Common Core and calling out the wokeism. Meanwhile Alabama education under Ledbetter seems to have been put under the guidance of those whose prime goal is not academics but to make sure equity is at the center. Ledbetter was convinced to be the lone sponsor of HB123 which ushered in wokeism to Alabama schools. Now that it has been exposed...will Ledbetter do the right thing for the children of Alabama or learn what the others have....God exposes. Here's a few important articles to help you add up who is taking charge of today's schools: |
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