It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were cast into the sea than that he should cause one of these little ones to sin. Luke 17:2 In today's world, one can see why God put cowardly first in this scripture--maybe it is to remind us how important it is to stand for what is right specially for the children...."But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars--they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death." Rev 21:8 May 31st 2019 was a very eventful day. Many parents and grands were interceding for the children across Alabama and God heard. Leaders who thought they had finally got control of Alabama's Education System had the perfect set up. Since the inception of Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI) in 2010, parents and grands have been fighting as they were awakened by State Board member Betty Peters that something was very wrong. She was being asked to sign on to new standards that were not even written but was being already touted as going to make kids college and career ready. If you're new to the fight--read here. It took nine years but finally studies have confirmed the truth that CCSSI is a failure. Truth is also coming out that there were planners that hoped to change America through the Education System. Many not so good people with aspirations different from loving parents. May 31st was a showdown in Alabama. The pleading of year after year to pass a bill to Repeal CCSSI fell on deaf ears with the Legislature and the State Board of Ed. Finally, after many years of pleading to the Legislature and the State Board of Ed-- the Legislature finally had the solution. We know both wanted to keep Common Core but this year Del Marsh the Pro-Tem (calling State Board of Ed dysfunctional-like the pot calling kettle black) had plans of becoming a US Senator. So he put forth a Repeal bill SB319 clearly worded to repeal and it passed quickly in the Senate. However, Terri Collins went against her word to the Alabama Federation of Republican Women (AFRW) that she would not get in the way and instead killed SB319 in her Ed Committee. Terri Collins is the same one who sponsored the pro-life bill and many are now seeing that as probably a political move 'cause why would she not also care for born children that are being harmed (to the point that suicide rates are now higher than death of teens from car crashes). God will have to deal with her and other legislators who have again chosen to ignore the pleas of parents and grands. Collins and Marsh put forth the SB397, which was worded very questionably to keep things already in place (hmm rebrand or a tweak coming?) and additionally put a constitutional amendment to make for an appointed education board. What a coup it would have been because then they can tweak it all they want and parents would have an extra wall to help keep them in the dark better. The fix was in. and it is being sold as a magnanimous solution because it will be vetted by Senate who has to approve the appointments. That should really make us feel good right? SB397 did pass and now we have to vote in March 2020 (after many barrage of convincing that money can buy) that this will give us the standards we need because it will be from experienced people they choose. Of course parents input will be through making sure they have good Senators through the voting process and hopefully a good governor too. Is your head spinning yet? Who will be the experienced people--how about the same pro-Common Core people that most Superintendents and Ed Bureaucracy want as they are part of the reasons we have kept it all these years. Just hearing the pleas of the Superintendents about the greatness of CCSSI even in light of what we now know is disgusting at what is really behind the working of these bills. So how did God answer prayers? Well there were other troubling bills such as the Pandora's Box(Sb140) on Sex Ed (see videos below to help remind you why you must not give up your rights to an elected board and can not have an appointed board.) Also SB222 that would make all Superintendents appointed--sounds like the year for control (read the Washington County, Al appointed board problem). God did not allow for those to pass but he did SB397. In hindsight, maybe God wants to wake up our sleepy state as there are still those asleep about the severity of the attacks on children that giving control to an appointed board doesn't sound bad. But in light of what is going on throughout the country--all parents and grands of all colors and backgrounds need to get informed. Indeed these are very dangerous days to be uninformed...see links below--read them and weep at what has already been allowed in other states. Time to pray harder than ever and ask God for wisdom for your children's sake. Here's a sample story shared on fb about the harm being done to families today:Without his parents knowledge, his 2nd grade teacher held secret 1 on 1 lessons with their 8 year old son about his gender identity... asking if he thought he was a girl. The teacher crossed a huge line, taking away their rights as parents. They had no idea these conversations were taking place. They only found out when their son brought home books the teacher had given their son to read. Now his parents are suing the school district for nearly $1,000,000 for negligence, false imprisonment, and intentional infliction of emotional distress after they say his teacher singled out their son by asking him if he was transgender. Their son was held back from recess several times to watch videos and read books like "Who are you? The kid's guide to gender identity" and "I am Jazz". Those books were given to the teacher by one of her transgender friends. The teacher is still at work teaching 2nd graders, even after the school's investigation revealed that she had... . > Pulled him from regular school activities without notification . > Shared potentially controversial material with her son without approval . > Discussed gender identity with their son without parent collaboration. A year after the incident, their son is still traumatized, confused and hurt, wondering if he plays with a girl, is he a girl? He takes anxiety medication and is in therapy. Read/Watch:…/article_19bf6cda-721e-11e9-8a5b-8327… Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! MASSACHUSETTS: Stop the Legislature from Pushing Kids to Change Gender
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