Today February 4th was the opening for new legislative session in Alabama. The fight for the children's education is still ongoing and we have a vote coming up in March 3rd on the ballo. Please Vote No on the Constitutional Amendment 1. We had a repeal bill in SB119 which passed in the Alabama Senate but unfortunately Terri Collins of House Education Committee --again thwarts the Common Core Repeal. She would not let it go through as she wanted SB397. All it does is it removes parents ability to elect or unelect the Board of Education and replace it with a "commission" led by Governor Ivey. Gov Ivey has led the State Board of Education of Alabama and she has not moved to get rid of Common Core as president. Parents have had a Stop Common Core Bill almost every year but the legislature kept denying parents that victory and now their solution is to remove the parents right to vote to elect the State Board of Education member of their choice (just when most Alabamians are informed and hates common core enough to un-elect the pro-common core board members). Also, the Constitutional Amendment wording that most do not know is-- it would replace common core with standards that have "nationwide consistency" that ensures seamless transfer of students. But that is the very definition of the Common Core standards you can find on the Common Core website and is confirmed by the above yellowed section of clarification from Legal Services. So it begs the question--did legislators leadership fully know this and did they mislead many of the legislators in the House and in the Senate who was listening to the parents that want to get rid of Common Core? We Must Vote NO on this Constitutional Amendment on March 3rd. We need to have the right Repeal Bill to replace Common Core with Alabama Traditional Standards. Alabamians please start calling now and don't stop until they pass the right bill. Governor Ivey's number is 334 242-7100. Tell her you do not want Amendment 1 and you want a good repeal bill this session that will not take away your right to vote for State Board of Ed members and go back to fact based traditional academic standards that sent men to the moon. Parents please Fight the war on Parental Rights Vote NO on Constitutional Amendment 1 March 3rd. Share this everywhere on fb and with your friends and family. Too many parents are telling us of the physical harm and mental harm their children have been suffering and we will not accept failure. We must have a good repeal of these hated Common Core aka College and Career Readiness Standards. Please watch the videos in Stop Common Core in Alabama on fb and also check updates here on our call to action page at HopeInk.TV and also go to Voteno-amend1 on Facebook and website. Download shareable flyers for your churches for your friends co-workers everybody in the state of Alabama needs to Vote no on Constitutional Amendment one that's on the March 3rd ballot. May God help us as we fight for the children. It would be better for him to have a millstone hung around his neck and to be thrown into the sea than to cause one of these little ones to stumble. Luke 17:2
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