Re: Mandatory Health In Schools
Re: Mandatory Mental Health in Schools
Dear Concerned Alabama Citizen--
First, there are many reasons that children are struggling with emotional and behavioral issues in the
U.S. Research shows the correlation and prospective findings of the following factors:
PTSD, bullying, depression, anxiety, and suicide.
citizenship. Children are now taught that truth is relative and that their ego determines reality.
Thus, they have more ADHD, greater emotional reactivity and difficulty in self-calming
the civic pride that should accompany citizenship in a nation and instead cancels historic heroes
based on the precepts of cultural Marxism.
in academia, government and business.
for violence.
drug use and cyber bullying.
Second, these are the concerns with mandated mental health counselors in schools:
pathologizes the “school climate” and the students themselves. Every negative event (from
school shootings to misgendering) will be leveraged to prove that the students are emotionally
unstable, lack appropriate support, and require more mental health interventions to create
safety in the schools. Like sex education, the failures of the programs will be “proof” that more
resources are required: More funding, more time, more interventions, and more employees.
with whatever woke programs that the American School Counselor Association promulgates.
These approaches include keeping secrets from parents, viewing parents as the problem rather
than the solution, alienating troubled children from their families, using the threat of child
suicide to manipulate parents into compliance, supporting reverse discrimination in the name of
“equity”, and functioning as informants to Child Protective Services if parents don’t comply or
affirm the counselor recommendations.
prevails at present. The counselors will be mandated to comply with a purely secular worldview
and must violate traditional, religious, and ethno-cultural beliefs of the students families by
advocating for:
o Social justice activism
o Abortion rights
o Gay Marriage and LGBTQIA+ lifestyles
o Minor Attracted Persons (Pedophiles)
o Social then medical transitioning of gender dysphoric youth with mandated pronouns
o Innumerable unnatural genders and identities including interspecies identities
o Alienation from parents and extended family by forming counselor/child alliances
o Comprehensive Sex Education which includes teaching perversions as acceptable
o Rejection of Judeo-Christian Religious morals including obedience to God, chastity
before marriage, fidelity after marriage, and marriage between a man and a woman as a
permanent union for the upbringing of children.
o Rejection of the natural family of a biological father, mother and children as “not
o Rejection of individual rights in favor of “the collective”
o Rejection of the “color blind” society in favor of the “Oppressor-oppressed”
o Rejection of individual responsibility in favor of the “victim class”
o Rejection of free enterprise and meritocracy in favor of “equity” privilege
o Rejection of the words: woman, man, son, daughter, God, mother, father
o Rejection of the primacy of motherhood as the foundation of societal stability
o Rejection of the responsibility of fatherhood to provide for, protect, and guide his family
o Rejection of the constitutional rights of free speech, freedom of religion, and the right to
bear arms
o Rejection of the concept of “normal”
Third, the solutions are as follow:
1. Establish a privately funded scholarship fund for mental health counseling through individual
and corporate tax credits. Let parents choose a provider who honors their culture, family,
religious preferences. Since parents are paying, they have more control. Possibly allow these
providers to operate in the school buildings (with limitations) after school but not during school.
2. Lower taxes and inflation so mothers can stay home with their small children and foster a secure
attachment instead of institutionalizing small children. Encourage parents to give highest
priority to rearing children if they choose to have them.
3. Be like Finland and remove compulsory school attendance until age seven and require virtually
no homework until 8 th grade. Have 15 minutes of recess every hour.
4. Encourage active religious worship. The church/mosque/synagogue provides huge amounts of
teaching, modeling, social support, counseling and more resilient marriages for virtually no cost
to taxpayers. Allow prayer in school and religious clubs to meet on campus within the limits of
5. Remove Comprehensive Sexuality Education from schools. Teach parents to teach their children
about sex within the context of their family culture.
6. Have cameras in every classroom with recorded feed. This will help keep teachers and children
in line.
7. Return to the option of corporal punishment for students at the parent discretion.
8. Remove Restorative Justice policies that allow individuals to misbehave with few consequences.
9. Teach about the exceptionalism of the American Way for a few minutes daily.
10. Teach about the heroic nature of our progenitors and founders when children are young. Teach
how heroic they were to make progress when conditions were so primitive and when so many
mistakes were made. Every sustainable civilization has heroes and myths to teach values and
ideals worth defending.
11. Teach about the truth fearlessly. Fears about “Inclusivity” are a terrible reason to avoid teaching
the truth. Do we avoid teaching about the harms of smoking because a child’s family might have
smokers? Do we avoid teaching about the harms of obesity because their parents might be fat?
No. We teach the truth. We need to teach the truth about chastity, fidelity, the natural family,
honesty, the work ethic, the rule of law, etc. along with the truth about drugs, etc.
12. Don’t dwell on suicide and mental health issues with groups of children. Teach parents to talk to
their own children. Encourage churches to teach the parents too.
13. Resist implementing schoolwide SEL programs because they are a Trojan horse for woke
indoctrination. Instead, provide resources for parents to teach their children with programs
which are parent led (Such as
14. Encourage churches and civic organizations to provide education in marriages and parenting to
adults for free. Encourage them to provide funding for Marriage and Family Therapy as needed.
15. Teach the value and respect for both sexes and how their differing but flexible roles support a
stable society.
16. Change the welfare system so that marriage is supported and staying home with small children
is encouraged if participating in a parenting education/mentoring program through local
17. Teach about being stoic in the face of challenges rather than emotive and narcissistic when
distressed. The ancient Greeks and Romans were onto something.
18. Instead of creating “safe spaces”, challenge children to face their fears and become resilient by
overcoming. Help them to learn to sit with distress rather than avoid it so that they will be more
resilient. This practice helps kids to avoid turning to suicide as an impulsive way to escape
19. Stop the anti-bullying programs which tend to be a cover for LGBTQIA rights. Teach kids to never
start a fight but never back down from one. Only suspend the aggressor in a fight, not the
defender. Encourage churches, libraries, and civic groups to teach anti-bullying tactics to parents
and children together. Have surveillance cameras in halls, playgrounds, and buses.
20. Remove mandatory standards of achievement for each subject/grade. Encourage kids instead to
simply excel their own personal record (PR). Experience shows this method encourages great
achievement rather than arbitrary “standards”. Students feel accomplished instead of either
cocky or stupid. They compare themselves to themselves.
21. Get students off screens! Especially the internet! No phones in schools period. Remove most
educational software that teaches and tracks the children. Let teachers be teachers again.
22. Teach children to read using phonics-based programs. Identify dyslexia and other learning
disabilities early and provide special education for them.
23. Allow much more movement, sports, competition, and recess for boys who struggle in
confinement schooling. Explore more nature-based school for kids who are not thriving in
confinement schooling (See for success stories).
24. Shorten the school day and school week. Focus relentlessly on Reading, Writing and Arithmetic
so children can teach themselves any subject during their lives.
25. Allow tax credits for private or homeschool education of children with no oversight or
accountability for achievement. Those assessments are not creating success in traditional
schools so can’t be justified for private education.
26. Provide internship programs to students who are not thriving in school or who are a behavior
problem. Work is a great way to help children value an education but it is also a way to generate
interest in entrepreneurship.
Joan R. Landes, MA, CMHC
Dear Concerned Alabama Citizen--
First, there are many reasons that children are struggling with emotional and behavioral issues in the
U.S. Research shows the correlation and prospective findings of the following factors:
- More children are growing up in homes without a father married to their mother.
- More children are growing up with insecure attachments to extended family which provided
PTSD, bullying, depression, anxiety, and suicide.
- More children are growing up in a permissive society which doesn’t provide clear, secure
citizenship. Children are now taught that truth is relative and that their ego determines reality.
- More children are subject to institutionalized care at younger ages which results in long and
Thus, they have more ADHD, greater emotional reactivity and difficulty in self-calming
- More youth are unmoored from organized religion which provides social support to the family
- More children are socialized via violent/pornified media rather than the family and mimic the behavior they witness vicariously.
- More children are victims of social justice education which privileges post-modern
the civic pride that should accompany citizenship in a nation and instead cancels historic heroes
based on the precepts of cultural Marxism.
- More children live with adults who are stressed and struggling with substance dependence
- More children live with the highest racial tensions in 50 years thanks to the Black Lives Matter
in academia, government and business.
- More children live with systemic anti-white male bias which privileges females and minorities
for violence.
- More children live with an emotional dependence on social media which creates social
drug use and cyber bullying.
Second, these are the concerns with mandated mental health counselors in schools:
- Like any government worker, the counselors will justify their existence by expanding the need
pathologizes the “school climate” and the students themselves. Every negative event (from
school shootings to misgendering) will be leveraged to prove that the students are emotionally
unstable, lack appropriate support, and require more mental health interventions to create
safety in the schools. Like sex education, the failures of the programs will be “proof” that more
resources are required: More funding, more time, more interventions, and more employees.
- These mandated mental health counselors will assume “expert” status on all things to do with
with whatever woke programs that the American School Counselor Association promulgates.
These approaches include keeping secrets from parents, viewing parents as the problem rather
than the solution, alienating troubled children from their families, using the threat of child
suicide to manipulate parents into compliance, supporting reverse discrimination in the name of
“equity”, and functioning as informants to Child Protective Services if parents don’t comply or
affirm the counselor recommendations.
- These government counselors will be forbidden from supporting any religious, traditional or
prevails at present. The counselors will be mandated to comply with a purely secular worldview
and must violate traditional, religious, and ethno-cultural beliefs of the students families by
advocating for:
o Social justice activism
o Abortion rights
o Gay Marriage and LGBTQIA+ lifestyles
o Minor Attracted Persons (Pedophiles)
o Social then medical transitioning of gender dysphoric youth with mandated pronouns
o Innumerable unnatural genders and identities including interspecies identities
o Alienation from parents and extended family by forming counselor/child alliances
o Comprehensive Sex Education which includes teaching perversions as acceptable
o Rejection of Judeo-Christian Religious morals including obedience to God, chastity
before marriage, fidelity after marriage, and marriage between a man and a woman as a
permanent union for the upbringing of children.
o Rejection of the natural family of a biological father, mother and children as “not
o Rejection of individual rights in favor of “the collective”
o Rejection of the “color blind” society in favor of the “Oppressor-oppressed”
o Rejection of individual responsibility in favor of the “victim class”
o Rejection of free enterprise and meritocracy in favor of “equity” privilege
o Rejection of the words: woman, man, son, daughter, God, mother, father
o Rejection of the primacy of motherhood as the foundation of societal stability
o Rejection of the responsibility of fatherhood to provide for, protect, and guide his family
o Rejection of the constitutional rights of free speech, freedom of religion, and the right to
bear arms
o Rejection of the concept of “normal”
Third, the solutions are as follow:
1. Establish a privately funded scholarship fund for mental health counseling through individual
and corporate tax credits. Let parents choose a provider who honors their culture, family,
religious preferences. Since parents are paying, they have more control. Possibly allow these
providers to operate in the school buildings (with limitations) after school but not during school.
2. Lower taxes and inflation so mothers can stay home with their small children and foster a secure
attachment instead of institutionalizing small children. Encourage parents to give highest
priority to rearing children if they choose to have them.
3. Be like Finland and remove compulsory school attendance until age seven and require virtually
no homework until 8 th grade. Have 15 minutes of recess every hour.
4. Encourage active religious worship. The church/mosque/synagogue provides huge amounts of
teaching, modeling, social support, counseling and more resilient marriages for virtually no cost
to taxpayers. Allow prayer in school and religious clubs to meet on campus within the limits of
5. Remove Comprehensive Sexuality Education from schools. Teach parents to teach their children
about sex within the context of their family culture.
6. Have cameras in every classroom with recorded feed. This will help keep teachers and children
in line.
7. Return to the option of corporal punishment for students at the parent discretion.
8. Remove Restorative Justice policies that allow individuals to misbehave with few consequences.
9. Teach about the exceptionalism of the American Way for a few minutes daily.
10. Teach about the heroic nature of our progenitors and founders when children are young. Teach
how heroic they were to make progress when conditions were so primitive and when so many
mistakes were made. Every sustainable civilization has heroes and myths to teach values and
ideals worth defending.
11. Teach about the truth fearlessly. Fears about “Inclusivity” are a terrible reason to avoid teaching
the truth. Do we avoid teaching about the harms of smoking because a child’s family might have
smokers? Do we avoid teaching about the harms of obesity because their parents might be fat?
No. We teach the truth. We need to teach the truth about chastity, fidelity, the natural family,
honesty, the work ethic, the rule of law, etc. along with the truth about drugs, etc.
12. Don’t dwell on suicide and mental health issues with groups of children. Teach parents to talk to
their own children. Encourage churches to teach the parents too.
13. Resist implementing schoolwide SEL programs because they are a Trojan horse for woke
indoctrination. Instead, provide resources for parents to teach their children with programs
which are parent led (Such as
14. Encourage churches and civic organizations to provide education in marriages and parenting to
adults for free. Encourage them to provide funding for Marriage and Family Therapy as needed.
15. Teach the value and respect for both sexes and how their differing but flexible roles support a
stable society.
16. Change the welfare system so that marriage is supported and staying home with small children
is encouraged if participating in a parenting education/mentoring program through local
17. Teach about being stoic in the face of challenges rather than emotive and narcissistic when
distressed. The ancient Greeks and Romans were onto something.
18. Instead of creating “safe spaces”, challenge children to face their fears and become resilient by
overcoming. Help them to learn to sit with distress rather than avoid it so that they will be more
resilient. This practice helps kids to avoid turning to suicide as an impulsive way to escape
19. Stop the anti-bullying programs which tend to be a cover for LGBTQIA rights. Teach kids to never
start a fight but never back down from one. Only suspend the aggressor in a fight, not the
defender. Encourage churches, libraries, and civic groups to teach anti-bullying tactics to parents
and children together. Have surveillance cameras in halls, playgrounds, and buses.
20. Remove mandatory standards of achievement for each subject/grade. Encourage kids instead to
simply excel their own personal record (PR). Experience shows this method encourages great
achievement rather than arbitrary “standards”. Students feel accomplished instead of either
cocky or stupid. They compare themselves to themselves.
21. Get students off screens! Especially the internet! No phones in schools period. Remove most
educational software that teaches and tracks the children. Let teachers be teachers again.
22. Teach children to read using phonics-based programs. Identify dyslexia and other learning
disabilities early and provide special education for them.
23. Allow much more movement, sports, competition, and recess for boys who struggle in
confinement schooling. Explore more nature-based school for kids who are not thriving in
confinement schooling (See for success stories).
24. Shorten the school day and school week. Focus relentlessly on Reading, Writing and Arithmetic
so children can teach themselves any subject during their lives.
25. Allow tax credits for private or homeschool education of children with no oversight or
accountability for achievement. Those assessments are not creating success in traditional
schools so can’t be justified for private education.
26. Provide internship programs to students who are not thriving in school or who are a behavior
problem. Work is a great way to help children value an education but it is also a way to generate
interest in entrepreneurship.
Joan R. Landes, MA, CMHC