Old Cures in New Fight- Biological Warfare, and more food for thought from Stop Common Core3/22/2020 The Bible tells us there is nothing new under the sun... History merely repeats itself. It has all been done before. Nothing under the sun is truly new. Indeed in researching about the Coronavirus, we learn of the age-old use of copper where the phrase "Contact killing" came from...how amazing is that! One thing many of us have learned in the fight against Common Core is that you have to research. Same works here.. We take things seriously and we learn about all sides of the story--that is the lesson we know well. In today's age of biological warfare--we can almost see the handwriting on the wall as to why China's leaders did not want information to be shared about this new virus. Some will say conspiracy theory--but the results does make you think. China's leaders have killed two birds with one stone. They have ended the Hongkong uprising and destroyed (almost) their biggest foe in their plan to be #1--US and maybe helped an old friend Joe Biden?? Whatever way it started, the problem is now ours and help our country, we all must! We must help lessen the suffering by doing what we all are able to do. One of which we have been told again and again is to wash your hands often...easy enough and hopefully everyone is doing. Self-distancing is hard as we are seeing many in Wal-Mart among other places. But Americans are independent thinkers and think they are still free while the government insists the measures of control we must take is for our own good. It is a predicament-but one of the things we can do is to strengthen our own immune system and there are so many ways to do that...here's a great one: https://www.pcrm.org/news/blog/foods-boost-immune-system But then here's another thing--think about using copper: https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/xgqkyw/copper-destroys-viruses-and-bacteria-why-isnt-it-everywhere?utm_campaign=sharebutton https://geology.com/usgs/uses-of-copper/ https://www.thehealthsite.com/diseases-conditions/10-benefits-of-drinking-water-from-a-copper-vessel-p214-123443/ India--more food for thought... In researching India--this was interesting to note--they were very concerned about--yet their numbers are very low and they have 3 times our population...could copper that is used daily by this nation be a key...worth studying indeed. https://www.thehindu.com/sci-tech/health/covid-19-interactive-map-confirmed-cases-in-india/article31041690.ece?utm_source=thehindu&utm_medium=cube&utm_campaign=corona https://www.thehealthsite.com/diseases-conditions/10-benefits-of-drinking-water-from-a-copper-vessel-p214-123443/ Prayers of course is the most powerful course because in America, we should know where our help has always come from...same as our foundation. As Jesus went on from there, two blind men followed him, calling out, “Have mercy on us, Son of David!” So let us do our part and then let us pray that God would have mercy. The noose is being tightened for us and against America's children. The United Nations and WHO are controlling this pandemic. The numbers are greater with deaths from the flu every year but fear has put us in danger of being under their thumbs because we are a very caring nation. We must weigh the consequences.
Our heroes who came before us (see the picture above on the WWII hero who continues to be humble even in their old age) reminds us--freedom isn't free and they gave their all for us to be free. We must weigh everything and not sacrifice our children's future as if we make the mistake --it may cost us forever. America is a shining city on a hill and we can not let her light be dimmed for it's a blessing to us all. Let us be creative and learn from the past and use these knowledge to better our people in the fight against the virus. We support out Pres. and are excited about the cures he has seen developing. United Nations is just ready and waiting to take over the minds of America's children...we must get back on track as a nation to fight the fight. http://www.unesco.org/new/fileadmin/MULTIMEDIA/HQ/ED/ED_new/pdf/FFA-ENG-27Oct15.pdf Towards 2030: a new vision for education 5. Our vision is to transform lives through education, recognizing the important role of education as a main driver of development and in achieving the other proposed SDGs. We commit with a sense of urgency to a single, renewed education agenda that is holistic, ambitious and aspirational, leaving no one behind. This new vision is fully captured by the proposed SDG 4 “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all”and its corresponding targets. It is transformative and universal, attends to the ‘unfinished business’ of the EFA agenda and the education-related MDGs, and addresses global and national education challenges. It is inspired by a humanistic vision of education... We can hope and we can pray and may God hear and not let our country be destroyed.
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Stop Common Core in Alabama
Please look at our Alert and Call To Action Pages. This has posts on articles being shared on StopCommonCore in Alabama. Please look at our Call to Action above to help us deal with fighting Common Core. We will try to post things here that was on Stop Common Core in Alabama. We realize Common Core was really used to manipulate our country to raise children that are not independent thinkers but to be dumbed down easily misled and manipulated. Now we see that same thing is being used across America with the help of Fake News. We will help post things here that does not seem to apply to Common Core but we know this is a global movement **(look at UNESCO) and unfortunately removing America's independent thought is part of their plan. ArchivesCategories |