It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble." Luke 17:2 We know President Trump cares about the children. We know he did not bring this education mess. We do know that with him as our President, we can get help--without him as President, it is unimaginable as we have seen what the other side is willing to do--sacrifice the minds of children. We are here to support Pres Trump and at the same time support precious children. This letter is our way of getting children help that this President can give as with God's help--nothing is impossible. Here's the Letter that's been sent to start the dialogue: Dear President Trump: Thank you for caring for our families and your incredibly hard work to MAGA. We appreciate it however, there is a matter of Emergency and no one else can help US solve it but you. It is the incredible high rate of suicide among our youth and the Ed system itself is a major part of the problem. Teen depression and suicide have been skyrocketing since 2011 and for many parents it is much too late!!! Below are the words of our mental health expert who along with some parents and other experts, we humbly implore you to have a meeting and hear us out. We are grateful to see how you have sat down with businesses, tech leaders and many other groups-we simply ask for parents turn. We believe what is going on in society with children today can not be solved if you do not hear "our side". Unfortunately, try hard as she could, results from Betsy DeVos have not lined up well with your promise. The many trials to fix Education have failed so badly and stressed so many that the rate of suicide is uncomprehensible as many (shockingly even very young) are choosing to die rather than live! This should garner a national outcry in the news but as you have experienced--many important things are not covered. Please heed these words: "As a licensed clinical mental health counselor, I have worked in residential treatment centers, school-based and community-based mental health programs, and in private practice with actively suicidal teens. Health professionals across the board are seeing a sobering increase in anxiety, depression, self-harm and suicidality among our youth. Although the causes are complex, one certainty is that situational stressors such as high-stakes testing, and overly pressured teachers can trigger vulnerable children to desperate actions"...Joan Landes, CMHC The lack of knowledge on the stress that is "in the schools" have caused increases in bullying and self-harm along with disrespect for parents and country (harmful socialist teaching is just one sign the ed system is soo off-track.) We have Legions of concerned parents that stand with us but we can not do this without you. You have seen just the simple act of sitting down and hearing people made the difference. We ask simply for the Parents Turn for a sit down meeting with you. We believe God is with you and God will use you to free precious hurting children. Godspeed, #ParentsTurnwithPOTUS For those who want to help: Please consider posting on fb and twitter the link to this blog and put this on your post #ParentsTurnwithPOTUS Please comment below and encourage others. Please share it on churches prayer list and be part of our prayer movement (more info to come). Thank you!: For resource articles:
10/8/2018 08:15:55 pm
I do believe if our President heard the TRUTH from those of us that have researched education reform for many years he would understand how he has been deceived. I almost had a meeting set up with candidate Trump until they found out me and my panel were not on the Jeb Bush/Bill Gates/UNESCO side of the fence. I wish you luck in this endeavor because unless we get to speak to our President the only thing left is for us to implode the current system.
Margaret Reichling
10/8/2018 08:25:40 pm
Please Mr. President Trump
Diane Bagdy
10/9/2018 08:03:44 am
6 years ago I publicly called this "program" Socialism in Disguise and it has proven to be far more than that label even suggested. It has destroyed Public education far beyond repair. It offers NO education, watered down explanations and contrived math that even the bank Vice Presidents and technicians in my family couldn't figure out to help my granddaughters. It was not teaching them math in any form, it was breaking their will, training them to follow "rules" that made no sense but no to think about any of it, just follow the directions they were given. Children were insulted, mistreated and shamed by the very people we trusted to protect the children, their teachers. The teachers became water carriers for Common Core, ignored what was happening to the children physically and emotionally in their classrooms, and ignored and insulted parents enforcing that THEY knew the children better than their own parents did. I could go on an on and I was very vocal against the school board that enforced what the union dictated whether or not it was beneficial for the children. Bill Gates opened a Pandora's box and bought the Federal Board of Education through greedy Governor's who signed onto this "experiment" before one word, one lesson was ever put on paper. You promised to get rid of Common Core but alas, it's still in place. Some states have "rebranded" it but the modules are still being used, the tests are still oppressing the children and the children aren't being taught anything!
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