Wise Words from one of our nation's best ed experts:
I do not believe that testing is the major reason for the rising rates of depression, suicide, and risky behaviors among students. It is the curriculum standards that need to be fixed. They must be returned to Type #1 which in turn would force the day-to-day curriculum content and tests to be returned to Type #1. The curriculum standards should govern what is taught and tested. 11.4.13 -- Type #1 vs. Type #2 Chart -- http://www.educationviews.org/comparison-types-education-type-1-traditional-vs-type-2-cscope-common-core/ By moving the curriculum standards and tests back to Type #1 (fact-based, academic, traditional content, increasing in depth and complexity from grade level to grade level, largely tested by right-or-wrong answers), it would get rid of the Common Core/Type #2 curriculum/tests based upon emotions/feelings/opinions/ subjectivity that are driving the social justice agenda. The social justice agenda in turn drives the LGBTQ, multicultural, politically correct “junk” that depresses students, makes them feel as if they are all “victims,” creates disunity/bitterness/hatred among students, rewrites history, makes Whites feel powerless and guilty, builds disrespect for authority, and creates havoc in the schools and in society. Students should be taught to interpret historical and literary pieces by examining the full text (not just a snippet) based upon the customs, values, and definitions of terms that were understood at the time the piece was written – not based upon applying meanings (e.g., biases, prejudices) that developed later on in time. The sexualized literature and the hate-America history that students are reading leads them right into depression and a demoralized attitude. Nearly every Type #2 teaching unit ignores the great classics of literature and history (the traditional heroes and heroines) and instead introduces only snippets of text (without being taught the context surrounding them). This ends up indoctrinating students into elevating their feelings/beliefs/emotions above all else and makes them believe that they have the responsibility to act upon them. They “practice” community organizing seven hours a day! Instead of receiving a well-rounded education, they are indoctrinated into the social justice/community organizing mantra. When young students are forced to dwell upon issues that grown adults have problems handling, this makes students feel overpowered and depressed. It also makes them feel as if they have the right to be “little gods” who have the power over life and death for other people. The constant use of filthy, sexualized language in many of the texts students read at school makes them feel empowered to act out in the same ways. In today’s classrooms, the students are “in charge of the asylum.” The authority figure (teacher) has been reduced to becoming the facilitator. The dividing line between teachers and students has been erased; project-based learning places students and teachers in very close quarters. I believe this and the lack of respect for students toward their teachers is responsible for the growing numbers of inappropriate relationships between teachers and their students. The digitized/inanimate technology with Type #2 content drives the classroom instead of the teacher. This gives students a sense of insecurity and takes away the importance of individual responsibility. Group-think reigns; bullying increases; everyone thinks everyone else is unfair; and students walk in total fear of being targeted by the “group.” Conservative students feel completely ostracized, and shy/insecure students live in fear of being noticed and targeted by the group. Any good psychologist will say that students feel secure when the parameters are well defined and the natural consequences consistently applied fairly. Without those in place, students (particularly those from single-parent families) feel abandoned, fearful, and stressed out. Who wouldn’t? If we adults lived in such a fearful situation, we might want “to end it” also! My heart goes out to today’s students, parents, and teachers. ================== RESOURCES TO SUPPORT MY COMMENTS 7.11.18 [FYI: Here is the updated version of the TAD which we classroom teachers gave to Texas and to America free of charge. These are exactly the type of Type #1 English / Language Arts / Reading curriculum standards that students, parents, and teachers could understand and which would lead America to English proficiency instead of the dismal downward spiraling of our English language that we see occurring now. – Donna Garner] 5.26.08 – English Success Standards – K – Grade 12 This updated English / Language Arts / Reading (ELAR) curriculum standards document (a.k.a., Texas Alternative Document – TAD) for Grades K – 12 was written by classroom teachers who were teaching real students in real classrooms all during the time that they were writing this document on their own time. The English Success Standards is the only curriculum standards document K-12 in America before or since that has ever been written by classroom teachers. These teachers claim no copyright nor attribution privileges, and any part of the English Success Standards may be used without seeking permission. The writers have offered this document free of charge to anyone who wishes to use it to help educate students. LINK TO ENGLISH SUCCESS STANDARDS: http://truthinamericaneducation.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/English.Success.Standards.doc ==================== [8.7.18 -- Today is the five-year anniversary since I wrote this article back on 8.7.13. Much has happened across America since Common Core took control of America’s school children. Hopefully by reading this article, people will have a better understanding of the damage that has been done to our nation’s students. My hope is that patriotic Americans will do everything they possibly can to rid our schools of the Common Core and its destructive forces. -- Donna Garner] 8.7.13 (Republished on 8.7.18 with updated links) -- “The Perfect Plan To Destroy America – Nationalize Education” -- by Donna Garner – EdViews.org -- http://www.educationviews.org/the-perfect-plan-to-destroy-america-nationalize-education-2/ ======================== 9.12.18 -- “Education 101” -- by Donna Garner – EdViews.org -- http://www.educationviews.org/education-101/ Blessings, Donna Garner
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