God gives us His Word as a lamp unto our feet...My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. Please share info. so more parents can help their child and pray for them. Please download file and print brochures to share with your churches. Send us a comment on form to your right.
This past week has been a great week where truths have been unleashed. Here's recaps of what have been shared recently to help us come to a better understanding of what is happening to children and youth. The Brainwashing of Students, States and Nation—Tools To Change America In Order To Control America. There are those who love power and wants to change freedom loving America back to the days of servanthood. The plans have been laid out long ago and though the planners of old are dead there are new planners that have continued it to suit their aspirations. If you are tired of what you are seeing where children are being attacked and schools and halls of learning have been turned upside down…then come learn with us. then share what you have learned.
Anti-DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion), Bill to protect porn pop ups on cellphones, truly removed Common Core aka College and Career Ready Standards (proven by Eagle Forum and ALGOP to be still here as exposed with the Math –since 2010), Bill to remove the woke National Counseling Standards (as proven by Mike Parsons former teacher).
For sure fb does not like him as they appear to have censored his speech on Jan 23 that was posted. And all but one media was present though many were invited. Time to take a look at who is truly on your children and family’s side and who would rather forget those issues as biz is more important...sounds like many are doing exactly what the Bible warned are actions with eternal consequences. Get informed as it can help save your children and use the spiritual tools of prayer for help and wisdom to fight for your loved ones. There is also the interview with Amir Tsarfati who gave us a complete look at the Oct 7th massacre and the attitudes of America's elite universities. There is also the stark reality that the American people have been made to give money to the people that helped with the massacre. We have given money to the UN who helped fund the training of Palestinian children to hate Jews and become soldiers and worse more news coming out they have been part of the Oct. 7th massacre- click here for video link. Parents and grandparents who have deep love for their precious children need to hear what has been shared at Ridgecrest Baptist Church Jan 25th as there are evil plans for the children in K-12, in Libraries and in Colleges. Time for parents to realize why children are being sexualized and we should not fund the means to do that through these books in libraries and what is also being taught in schools. God in his mercy is giving us a chance to see. Let us use it as a child shouldn't have to fight alone the molding of his mind to be led to his destruction.
Audio files of Jan 25th Meeting on Library Books at RidgecrestSamples of Interesting Points Made To Turn Back the Tide of Evil... Then we began to believe the lie that because you're a Christian, you have to check your faith at anything in the culture. And the culture has begun to tell the church how it's supposed to act. And the church has believed it. I've heard, I have heard since this issue arose, I've heard Christians make the argument well, this could backfire. I was told this could backfire because if you deal with these books, what happens if somebody else comes along and says, I think we should remove some very good books. Look, people, we're not comparing the count of Monte Cristo to Gender gay. They're not the same thing. Not at all. But that argument has been used by Christians. Well, you do the right thing right now because it's right and not because you're afraid of what might happen if you do the right thing right now. Christians. I've heard this. Well, you can't legislate morality. Now, people, listen. Every law on the books is legislated morality. You know why you have speed limits? You know you have speed. Do you know it's legislated morality? It's legislated morality because somewhere back there someone convinced us that human life was valuable. Oh I know where it was. It was the Ten Commandments that we engraved on the doors of our Supreme Court. Someone back there said human life is valuable so you can't let everybody drive drive however they want to drive because we want to protect life. So, they legislated speed limits. Every law is legislated morality at some point in time. By the way, if you're not hearing the truth, I agree with Paul. If you're not hearing the truth wherever you are, I love what you're doing. Adrian Rodgers said, he said, "If you're attending a place that's not going to teach you and speak the truth, you ought to saturate it with your absence." There is no such thing as "your" truth, Takeaways from the Counselor- Yes, I don't know if we have any. any library board members, but I'm gonna circle back around in the topic here of library here. I don't know if we have any of those board members here, but I wanna say something. And that is this whole thing that we're allowing these books into our library because of this education exemption, all idea that Rick referred to a while ago that we think might need to be changed. Frankly, I don't think it needs to be changed. I think it needs to be enforced because when you look at it, when it says education, what does that mean? It's an education exemption. I think of things like it's there to inform people. Medical books, for example, would be a good example of that. When I was a teenager, I very distinctly remember that I went into, my dad was a doctor, a surgeon, and I went into his library to get educated. Quite frankly, I was looking for some sexually explicit and graphic pictures and I found them. There were pictures of genitalia, there were discussions of penises and vaginas and everything else, but I want to tell you something. They were hugely disappointing because they were not stable. they were educational, they didn't, there was no no arousal value to them at all because they were not intended to stimulate, they were intended to educate. And also as a counselor I've read lots and lots of case studies of rape, incest, prostitution, gender identity conflict and everything else else. And some of these get very graphic, but they are not stimulating, they are educating. And the materials that we have in our library are there to stimulate, not to educate. And so I don't even think they meet the criteria of what the law intended the exemption to represent. And so all we have to do, I think, is just come in and apply what was the intent of the law. law. The law never intended for gender queer to be in the library. That's not what it intended. I can almost absolutely guarantee that. Another thing that I want to mention too is in our library policy. We have something that talks about that they can exclude materials that are propaganda or used for proselytizing purposes. They use that material primarily, and it's in the policy to restrict religious stuff. That means that policy is used to restrict our materials, because they'll call it propaganda or proselytizing. But when you look at these materials that they've got, this is the worst kind of propaganda that you can imagine. I mean, what is propaganda? Propaganda tries to change your opinion about something to something else, and it does it by presenting one -sided information. If you look at all of these materials, and there's at least 75 books, they all present it from one point of view. It's all pro -sexual liberation. I will tell you there's not a Christian worldview presented in a single one of those books because it's propaganda. They're trying to change people, our kids' minds, to conform to what they're going to conform to. It is also proselytizing. I don't know if you realize this, but if you take the age group of 46 to 50 or not up, we represent the baby -booners and Generation X. In a recent survey done by Gallup two years ago, in this age group, if you're 46 and above, you know how many of us identified as gay or in the LGBTQ community and all that? 3%, 3%. Same statistics that CDC has been passing down for the last 50 years, 3 % of the population, but there's something else. Millennials came along at your 25 or 41 year olds at two years ago. The survey showed that the number of millennials who identified in that group had almost quadrupled to almost 12%. And then you had the generation Z, which is 18 to 25. that number went up almost seven -fold to almost 20 percent identified as that. How is it that we go for year after year after year after year, 50 years, 3 percent identifying as LGBTQ and all the rest of it, and then all of a sudden, boom, 20 percent? How did we get there in the space of 17 years? Powerful, Powerful propaganda, proselytizing materials. That's how it is. When you look at those books in the library, what are they? Evangelistic pamphlets, evangelistic brochures, evangelistic books, trying to win a new generation over to a neo -paganism religion. And they are winning. They're winning. They're getting them. them as evidence by the by the data. And so folks we gotta be careful. We can't let them, we cannot concede this. We're gonna, what does the church need to do? Let me close real quick. We have got to do what they're doing but do it Christian way. They are answering questions that kids have that we are not answering. In our churches and our families we do not deal with with all of these things that they're talking about, anal sex, vaginal sex, oral sex, all the, you know, masturbating, we don't talk about those. But I want to tell you these pamphlets on the other side, they delight in talking to our children about it and they have absolutely no hesitation to do so and they will do it with their agenda. And if we don't do it, they will. and they will destroy you in the process. What we got to do is come along show them what it is from biblical Christian point of view. How do you respond to all of these things? How do you deal with this in your life? How do you answer these questions if you if you feel like oh you know I may be a boy and a girl's body. How as a believer do we help them deal with that and how do we do it so that they feel safe talking to us about it. Most of them are terrified to talk to us about any of these issues, because how they're afraid we're going to respond. But buddy, we can't do that. If we're going to win this battle, we've got to engage it. And we can't just do it by getting rid of the books in the library. I'm all for that, but that's just a little teensy -weensy piece of the fight. One little piece. More Takeaways from this meeting! I guess the final thought that I would have for you would be, remember, this is a public library. This is your library. And because of that, you do have the right to enter into the library. and you do have the right to question the contents and why would we add this kind of material to our library. I would say to you don't be intimidated. Don't be intimidated. I thank God that Shadrach, Rick, Meshach, and Abednego didn't say an argument that was used with me. me by some believers who said, "Well, this is just the way it is in the age we're living." Aren't you glad Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego didn't say, "Okay, that's the system." Okay, they didn't and they saw God work and so we have to be like that. Aren't you glad Daniel did? Aren't you glad Esther went into the king? Aren't you glad for those Peter and John and said, "Well, this is just the way it is in the age we're living." the council, we're going to speak what we have seen and heard and know to be true. So I want to urge you not to be intimidated by the arguments that, well, this is censorship. My guys, well, thank you so much for your definition of censorship and help me clarify that. This is citizenship and this is about truth and righteousness. righteousness. Don't be intimidated when you're labeled. Paul talked about being led. You're going to be labeled. It's okay. Jesus was labeled. And he said a servant is no better than his master. And so it's okay. Don't be intimidated. That stuff is emotional manipulation from people that don't have an argument that's rational. And so they use emotion. emotional manipulation to try to intimidate you into taking or complying with a position that you're uncomfortable with. “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea." Matthew 18:6 But God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. He wants us to come boldly to His throne of grace.
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