Can Alabama Afford Status Quo in Education? If You Say No-Ann Eubank is the One For The Task.Press Release:
Ann Eubank Seeks Alabama State School Board Position - District 3 Hoover -- Conservative activist Ann Eubank has done many things during her lifetime; however, no issue has been more important to her than excellence in education. She retired to become an unpaid full-time citizen lobbyist after witnessing what her grandson was being taught in school. Ann has dedicated the last 15 years to researching and advocating for solutions to the dismal state of our Alabama Public School System. Alabama’s downward spiral began in 2009 when Common Core, aka National Standards, was introduced to the State School Board and was adopted the next year despite an outcry from countless parents and voters. “Running for office is the last thing I ever thought I would do, but I decided to run for state school board after Stephanie Bell, representative for School Board District 3, had not yet qualified for re-election. It’s imperative that we elect someone who will work to change the trajectory of Alabama education from the bottom of the barrel to the top of the ladder like Florida. Parents and students deserve State School Board members who understand this and will listen to their concerns about the serious problems we face in Alabama’s schools. We need a new perspective on the Board. I am the only one running for this position that hasn’t been some part of the education establishment.”
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Pastor Paul Thompson of Calvary Baptist Church in Dothan, Alabama voiced his concern for the children at the Dothan Houston County Library System (DHCLS) Board Meeting 12/13/23. Please listen and share. May God give us wisdom to follow His Way vs Man's Way that seems these days to be very harmful to America's children. Scroll down to see sample pages of book that is in Library along with the Library's Rejection Letter.
One of the largest conservative women's group in Alabama speaks out with unanimous vote against these books being in Libraries. Get Informed and Help! It will affect your children as morals are foundation to our nation's well being.We now know there is a war for the minds of America's children because there are those that hopes it will change the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave.Chris Ruffo of Manhattan Institute cites Office for Intellectual Freedom's plan: CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF ALABAMA AS REVISED AND AMENDED BY THE CONVENTION ASSEMBLED AT MONTGOMERY ON THE FIFTH DAY OF NOVEMBER, A. D. 1867. PREAMBLE. WE, The People of the State of Alabama, by our Representatives in Convention assembled, in order to establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure to ourselves and to our posterity the rights of life, liberty, and property, invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God, do ordain and establish the following constitution and form of government for the State of Alabama:It would be better to be thrown into the sea with a millstone hung around your neck than to cause one of these little ones to fall into sin. Luke 17:2 God cares about what is allowed to harm the should we.The Biden Admin. Wants To Advance on BelovedThe Fight In Schools Has Went Beyond and is also in Libraries.. Haven't you wondered why Alabama rank went to the bottom--it's because indoctrination became the goal not education .Many are just now waking up to the attack on our most vulnerable minds...America's future. Get informed..let us stand and remember Jesus fought for us...we too have a part.
Read What Dr. Phil and Sean Hannity Says About Woke Agendas in K-12 & CollegesSean Hannity Interviews Dr. Phil 12-12-23 Sean: You know, there's an interesting editorial in the New York Post yesterday. One down and hundreds to go that it's not just MIT and Upenn and Harvard. This is now institutionalized, but it's in lower grades as well. Doctor Phil, I don't know. Why all of a sudden we've gotten to a point where where educators for kids from a grammar school, even in high school that they feel that their values are superior to parental values and they feel at liberty to indoctrinate these children into their way of thinking rather than sticking to the basics, Reading, Writing, Math, Science, History and computers, I don't know. Call me old fashioned doctor Phil, but I prefer the educate our kids. Not indoctrinate them. Dr. Phil Well, Sean, over 30% of our fifth graders and 8th graders cannot read at the most basic level. 19% of our high school graduates can't read. They're getting passed so the schools can get paid. And yet they're wanting to talk about other things, and that is completely absurd. And what's happening here? And it's happening from the primary grades up through college is you're right. They're running their own woke agendas and that is absolutely unacceptable and these people that are counseling these students on these issues. Whether they're psychological or medical, don't have training in psychology. They don't have training in medicine, they don't have training the sociology. So they're not trained in any of the disciplines that would qualify them to counsel these students on these issues. And they're excluding the parents. They've known these kids sometimes for two or three weeks and they exclude the parents completely and they don't have the training to do this. They need to stick to what they're trained to do. And most of the and most of the teachers, Sean would prefer to do that. This is getting jammed down their throats just like it is everybody else. The teachers are not the problem, it's the policymakers and the teachers unions that are creating the problems. It's Not About Education But IndoctrinationIn the insightful interview with former KGB operative Yuri Bezmenov, the idea of demoralization, specifically targeting Judeo-Christian morals, is presented as the first crucial step towards implementing Marxism in a society and why sexualizing the children is important as we see in these sexually explicit books. Books MatterThe Director of Alabama Public Library, Nancy Pack, has stated that they are taking steps to disaffiliate from the American Library Association (but will join again next year). The current President of this association, Emily Drabinski, has openly identified herself as a Marxist and voiced her belief that schools and libraries should serve as platforms for socialist organizing. Alabama State Board member Belinda McRae had an elementary school librarian tell her she had received objectionable material from a publisher. The title sounded innocent about unicorns, but the librarian found out it was not. This is an example that there are agendas going after even our very young. Given the issues that have surfaced in public libraries, Ed Mackey, the Alabama State Superintendent of Education, has proposed that school superintendents should adopt policies that facilitate the challenging of school library books. The growing trend of support for evil Hamas and the call to annihilate Jews observed in our colleges is a wake up call that our education system has been poisoned. Legislators are now considering revoking federal funds from colleges that harbor such dangerous ideologies that threaten Jewish students. The importance of rooting out such dangerous agendas is now clear. In a recent episode of Fox and Friends on November 2nd, Pierre Rehov was invited to share his insights. Rehov, a French Israeli documentary filmmaker, director, and novelist, is recognized for his films on terrorism. He voiced his concern over the recent trend of Hamas soldiers, branding them as terrorists, and suggested that a more severe term should be used for their actions on October 7th. He did, however, acknowledge that these individuals had been brainwashed at every level of their education and societal interactions. Considering the horrors we witnessed in the attacks on Jews, it is crucial that we scrutinize the educational content and books being used to affect our youth. In the insightful interview with former KGB operative Yuri Bezmenov, the idea of demoralization, specifically targeting Judeo-Christian morals, is presented as the first crucial step towards implementing Marxism in a society and why sexualizing the children is important as we see in these sexually explicit books. This concept of demoralization, according to Bezmenov, is not merely about causing a state of confusion or despair. It is a strategic process to erode the values and principles that guide a society. The question arises, why is demoralization so vital for Marxism? The answer lies in the aftermath of successful demoralization. Bezmenov articulates that once a society is completely demoralized, exposure to accurate or truthful information becomes inconsequential. This is because a demoralized individual loses their ability to assess or evaluate the truth of the information they encounter. In other words, facts become meaningless to them. This is a chilling prospect, as it suggests that even in the face of undeniable evidence, a demoralized person will remain impervious to the truth. They become detached from reality, making them highly susceptible to manipulation and control. The High Schoolers and College students that were part of the Times Square Rally are an example of this. Our nation is at a turning point and education is a very important part in determining simply put...will our nation be blessed or cursed? We cannot raise children that curse the 'apple ' of God's eye. Governor Ivey and the Legislature can choose to do nothing. But many parents and grandparents are praying they will finally listen to them and together with God's help, save the children- America's future. Remember this Warning from Joan Landes as you read the Rejection Letter: Stop using books in public schools that normalize child sexual abuse, rape, incest and even bestiality. (The Bluest Eye, Beloved, etc.) These books don't teach children to be "college and career ready." They teach kids to be "porn and perp ready." Every pedophile knows they must "groom" their victims to break down sexual inhibitions and normalize perversion. This type of "literature" makes the perpetrator's goal that much easier. --Joan R. Landes, Clinical Mental Health Counselor Rejection Letter on Bluest Eye DOTHAN HOUSTON COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM October 25, 2023 Dear Thank you for. submitting your Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials for the book The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison. The materials reconsideration process is an important one that allows patrons to express formal concerns about what titles are available in the library collection, while also ensuring that library staff comply with our Collection Development Policy, avoiding both blanket decisions and knee-jerk reactions. A committee of three professional literary employees has reviewed the item in question, and they have recommended that we retain this item as cataloged. I concur with this recommendation. Originally published in 1970 and set in 1941, The Bluest Eye tells the story of Pecola, an African American girl who grows up doing the Great Depression. The narrative primarily revolves around her experience of feeling "ugly" as a result of her mannerisms and dark skin. This drives her desire for blue eyes, which she equates with whiteness and, by extension, beauty. The book wrestles with a number of issues, including racism, sexual violence, trauma, and shame. The Bluest Eye is the first of nearly a dozen novels written by Toni Morrison, who received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1993. The Bluest Eye is consistently considered one of the most significant works of 20th Century American literature, often included on required reading lists for upper high school and college level English classes. We fully realize that this book may not be relevant to or appropriate for all readers and that its depictions of racism and sexual violence may upset many individuals. However, per the Collection Development Policy, "the DHCLS collection may include items that may be unorthodox or unpopular with the majority or controversial in nature. Users make their own choices as to what they will use based on individual interests and concerns." Also, taken as a whole, the book has extensive artistic, creative, and cultural merit. For these reasons, The Bluest Eye is a valuable part of our collection, and as such, we will retain it as cataloged. Additionally, per the Collection Development Policy, decisions reached through the materials reconsideration process will be considered final for a period of five years from the date of issuance. Any further Requests for Reconsideration of Library Materials for this title will be dismissed through October 25, 2028. |
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