There is a war for inclusion and access to minds, body and souls. Will you stand-evil hopes you won't recognize whose behind the movement for Inclusion and Equality. After all they do a lot of very nice things...sounds like a bait and switch? Money for your soul?It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones. Many do not know God or they choose not to believe but for us who are called by his name this is time for Awakening. The latest news shows where girls are being forced in schools to undress in locker rooms with those who consider themselves female but are really biologically male. Also, this week we saw the pressure that was put on Chick-fil-a not to support groups that's made a firm stand--that marriage is between man and a woman. The Salvation Army were made out as if they were the the bad ones and no longer acceptable to receive donations, when everybody knows they serve all kinds of people. We realize little by little like the boiling frog--pressure is being applied. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. We don't want God to forget our children so please share the truth and don't ignore it as some businesses like Chick-fil-a have chosen to do. Sodom and Gomorrah is almost upon us because we have leaders who have now thought it politically correct to go along and get along and fall in line so it's clearer that they are in line and inclusive and for equality...remember those terms. The largest lobbying organizations in a country has become a staunch supporter of evil and we see it with Chick-fil-A, pressure was put by the cities to not allow Chick-fil-a to come in and we also now see pressure is being put on cities and school boards to not deny "inclusion" even in locker rooms. That is the dream of Tim Gill, John Stryker and Kevin Jennings and many more. Who will that harm? We need to take a stand--our young people need defenders. To walk along with evildoers is dangerous as in Sodom and Gomorrah so please pray for our business leaders to see who they are in agreement with--Human Rights Campaign is another dangerous one...HRC. Read some history as to who Tim Gill is of the Gill Foundation, ARCUS and John Stryker and US Chamber of Commerce Foundation, Kevin Jennings-as they have a dream to change America and it involves your children: Please study the Equality Act and pray and act that Senate does not get a Democrat majority and that President Trump wins so this doesn't become law of the land. We know that God is sovereign and in the end there's no getting away from him. We pray you will read, you will study and come to a decision for you and your children to follow God and acknowledge him in all your ways. God bless. Let's have big faith and share the truth for God is our help. Time to rebuke the enemies. He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm."
Sad to see the state of affairs today when many are blind. The blind leading the blind is what happens when US Chamber now follow the dictates of the Dem Party. They have come out fully supporting the Equality Act and have "partnered" with the likes of the Gill Foundation. It passed (in this out-of-control) House of Representatives and they are hoping Senate will pass it. Here's a link to the Equality Act: We understood that the National Education Assn. (NEA) is so very liberal that their resolution to fully support abortion was no surprise. When we think about the largest teacher's union and the largest business lobby are now in full support of the LGBTQ movement and want you to be fully behind them--then pray for God's help to awaken them. Here are some links for you to research: Get to know the Foundations funding the Movement to harm your children and check if your school has an Office of Equity / Inclusion: This unfortunately passed in Austin: Here's link to the story about the person who was not using the proper gender term--that happened in Birmingham, Alabama: Here's sample story of what Alabamians have to look forward to should they lose their right to vote for State Board Members and get an Appointed Board: The Children Are Paying A Price For Our Inaction--Time to Please Stand in the Gap. Today there is a cry for help from parents. Who will defend the children from this ungodly movement. Are there not men of God who still fear God more than men? Or will they be like in the story of Lot and give their children over to evil ones for political correctness or gain? Here's a plea from someone asking the church to wake up: "The Church Must Wake Up, Church of the living and all-powerful God. Speak up and do not hold back. While we demonstrate love to the LGBTQ community, we should never tolerate their influence over our children or our own lives. We have to truly believe in what we preach and know that it may appear as foolishness to some, but it is the power of salvation. If we are not truly convinced of who we are, then how can we convince others?" It would be better to be thrown into the sea with a millstone hung around your neck than to cause one of these little ones to fall into sin. Sodom and Gomorrah Destroyed -Genesis 19 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; Because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children. When Betty Peters, former member of Alabama State Board of Education, told us of the Common Core State Standards Initiative-- she literally had to shake some of us to understand what she was trying to say. She was shocked that she was being asked to accept something that she has not even seen in place of our Alabama State Standards. We were in the middle of national rankings, really shooting upwards and even states like Massachusetts wanted to see our Reading Initiative that was having excellent results and lowering the achievement gap. We even had an elementary school (George Hall in Mobile) that was predominantly made up of Black students, that won a Dispelling the Myth Award. It was a national award as they were doing excellent work in academics and narrowed the achievement gap. But, after Common Core State Standards Initiative that school plunged to the bottom in Alabama. Of course, many in the Ed bureaucracy thinks since grades are going up that we are doing better (we know it's a gimmick as facts show kids can't even give change..sad). Well let's name a few of the people you can thank along with the increase in thuggery that you are seeing across the country. Here's a few articles to read but you can find so much more. When we first fought the Common Core State Standards Initiative, a mental health counselor (30 yr veteran in mental health field) looked at the books and said "You remember the Arab Spring? These are the children it's going to raise-- kids that are easily triggered, easily manipulated.'t Forget The George Soros Connection: Kids Are Under Attack in the Ed System--pray and let parents Stop Common Core go to fb page for your state --Alabama is Stop Common Core Alabama Here's something for you to look at the timeline of changes in made in Alabama education--this is from Mike Parson's (SAVE) Save Alabama Values in Education. Please download and share with your friends discuss during Thanksgiving and Christmas along with the download about the need to Vote NO on March 3, 2020 vote on Constitutional Amendment 1. Here's website for Alabama Constitutional Amendment 1 ( SAVE ALABAMA’S VALUES AND EDUCATION History In 2011 Alabama Department of Education (ALDOE) highlighted it was overall 25th in the national education standing according Education Week Magazine. In 2012, in exchange for No Child Left Behind waivers from the U.S. Department of Education (USDOE), ALDOE was REQUIRED to: 1. transition to CCRS, 2. develop and administer Assessments, 3. develop and implement guidelines tied to the Assessments for local teachers and principal evaluations, and 4. develop and implement a State-based system of differentiated recognition. In 2012/13 ALDOE implemented Math/ ELA Common Core State Standards (CCSS)/assessments. ALDOE was allowed to add up to 15% additional state specific standards and renamed them Alabama College and Career Ready Standards Note 1: The Math & ELA CCSS were also used extensively in History/Social Studies, Science and Technical documents. Note 2. Various concerns: never vetted, mental issues, national standards Note 3. Who was really in charge of selecting the curriculum local or state? Note 4. Standardized lesson plans aligned with the standards Note 5. In 2013 the Alabama High School Graduation Exam (AHSGE) was removed. This exam was the backbone of maintaining integrity and the credibility of the Alabama High School Diploma. I believe this was done to ensure the appearance of a successful transition of the education system. Note 6: In 2015, ALDOE changed the approach to discipline: “Implement a Positive Behavior Support or other related student and school culture program to support the student ownership of their actions that includes alternatives to traditional disciplinary sanctions.” Note 7. Data is collected from the assessments. How is the data used? Please continue reading. Socialism/Indoctrination Comprehensive Counseling and State Model for Alabama Public Schools (Counseling Plan), the glue that brings it all together, accomplishes two goals: #1 Goal: Socialism Counselors used the data to place students on a career pathway in grade 8. The following are quotes from the Counseling Plan which demonstrate State/Federal control/influence over student career pathways: - “Counselors for Grades 8-12 must guide students in the development and Annual revision of a four-year educational/career plan” pg. 1 - “Ensures that each grade 8-12 counselor guides students in the development and annual revision of a high school four-year educational plan” pg. 22 - “Ensures that each counselor demonstrates accurate and appropriate interpretation of assessment data” pg. 22 -“Ensures that each counselor provides equal access and appropriate placement for all students by utilizing test data and” pg. 22 #2 Goal: Indoctrination The following are examples of competencies (values/beliefs) that are introduced to students during a grade-cluster timeframe and reinforced through the 12th grade: Competency (Indoctrination) Grade-cluster. Type of competency which impacts parental religious beliefs “Respect alternative points of view” 3-5 pg. 19 Types of competencies used to program students into complying with counselor’s Placement “understand that work is an important and satisfying means K-2 pg. 18 of personal expression” “use assessment results in educational planning” 6-8 pg. 16 For the last five years we have had a declining student population in public schools. We are bouncing all around last place in national educational standing according to National Assessment of Education Progress (see attachment). By 2017, we were 45th in the nation. Bottom Line: CCSS + ASSESSMENTS = DATA to place students on pathway and Competencies are used to indoctrinate children at an early age so they conform to the processes.
1 Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
The chamber’s new position isn’t brave, exactly. The group’s stance echoes the one its members have almost uniformly endorsed. With Congress deadlocked on LGBT issues and some mostly Southern states pushing laws that would erode court wins for gay rights,, Apple, and Walt Disney and other big companies have been leading voices calling for equality. “We’re a member-driven organization,” says Neil Bradley, the chamber’s chief policy officer. “Based on our discussion with our members and our mandate for what we’re to be for, we think the policy matches up with that.”
For example, the Equality Act could be used as a tool to force schools nationwide to teach kids about LGBT ideology without parental consent... The Equality Act would also politicize medicine for adults and children. By expanding public accommodations to include health care, this bill would impose a nationwide gender identity mandate. It would require doctors and nurses to perform and provide sex-reassignment procedures and hormone therapy against their conscience or even their best medical judgment. It would require hospitals to offer these procedures and insurers to cover them.
Just one year earlier at the 2012 Democratic National Convention, an Orwellian video proclaimed, “Government is the only thing we all belong to.” Delegates there also booed when references to God were reintroduced to the party’s platform.What these slips of the mask confirm is that liberals have had for a long time the desire to indoctrinate our children at the hands of an omni competent, secular state.
The problem is that with the adoption of this deplorable sex education curriculum, the environment at each school and in each classroom will become saturated with the pro-abortions, pro-contraceptives, and pro-LGBTQ agenda; and parents will not be able to opt their children out of that constant, daily, hourly pounding of this erroneous dogma into their brains.
Please read more click here
In Alabama--one of the things that we the citizens can do is to Vote No on Constitutional Amendment 1--read why--go to this link For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" Mark 8:36 Please remember to read this (daily if possible)--it is your weapon...the Founding Fathers read it in the first prayer in Congress...learn from their makes a difference. Psalm 35 King James Version (KJV)35 Plead my cause, O Lord, with them that strive with me: fight against them that fight against me. The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) scores gives us a glimpse and it is not good. Joy Pullmann from the Federalist has been an incredible education observer and her summary title that the newest grads are the worst prepared in 15 years is sadly what many parents had warned. We saw the destruction of the school system right before our eyes with the inception of the Common Core State Standards. Most do not understand there's people in our Ed system who have plans that would overtake this nation through the minds of her children. Many find it hard to believe, but the results are affecting their households. One wonders why kids can't give change, why they hate America, why bullying is pervasive. Why are many kids well versed in argumentative skills instead of Reading and Math. Why is there more disrespect for parents and other authority figures, even more teachers are now in fear of their lives "in schools." Sadly we live in a world where there is a fight between good and evil and the enemy's tools of lies is being used everywhere specially right in front of parent's face aka College and Career Ready Standards. When evil people are given an open door in education like Bill Ayers (read here), now known as a teacher's teacher--the goals of education gets dark (there are more like him who have given their harmful input). He received 63 mil from Obama for Social Justice and we see the results in Antifa, the realization of his dream for America (as a so called former terrorist). The cries for climate change, gun control, etc. from mind-poisoned young people is ever increasing. Psychology has been used in our schools but it is by people who have designed to change this nation. In their plan the breakdown of the family is a must and children are a target. We see a society self-destructing and sadly the most innocent are paying the price. The sexualization in society is now being forced full blown systematically in schools across America too through the Sex Ed programs and many use Planned Parenthood. An over-sexualized society has caused the death of so many, the latest was a child named Cupcake from Birmingham, Alabama whose 3 year old body was found in a dumpster. Who would do these things we ask. They are animals, the police had seen a suspect's porn laden phone and unfortunately what those pictures indicated was true. This man was indeed an animal who no longer had reason and saw fit to destroy a child. Why would our schools promote sexual material for the pretense of lowering the pregnancy rate while at the same time using Planned Parenthood or its sister organizations to be the Sex Experts? How insane is that? But the people promoting this are sadly in our education bureaucracy who adores the National Education Association (proudly standing with Abortion Provider Planned Parenthood). A simple person can see how much Planned Parenthood benefits. By the way read this and see how Great Britain cut their teen pregnancy rate by not teaching Sex Ed! Why isn't that plastered in the mainstream news? Because it doesn't fit their agenda. But that is the heart of the matter. Evil people are running the Ed Bureaucracy. Imagine the President dealing with an evil Deep State --parents are too dealing with the Deep State in the Education System. There are those who have an anti-American Agenda and they have made our Ed System "out of control." They no longer protect the children nor can they be trusted in all that they teach. According to a mental health expert, here's one simple strategy that would actually help in reducing sex abuse instead of sexualizing children. She says: "Stop using books in public schools that normalize child sexual abuse, rape, incest and even bestiality. (The Bluest Eye, Beloved, etc.) These books don't teach children to be "college and career ready." They teach kids to be "porn and perp ready." Every pedophile knows they must "groom" their victims to break down, sexual inhibitions and normalize perversion. This type of "literature" makes the perpetrator's goal that much easier. In fact, Dr. Gail Dines, recipient of the Myers Center Award for the Study of Human Rights in North America, sociology and women's studies professor, and porn industry researcher and writer, stated in a TEDx that "girls are being taught to hypersexualize and pornify themselves" and that, unlike girls of yesteryear, pornographers find that girls are now ''porn" ready." Unless government schools are committed to preventing the normalization of sexual abuse and exploitation in ALL of its curriculum and activities, passing a "Sex Abuse Prevention" bill is misguided at best and disastrous at worst." Sincerely, Joan R. Landes, ACMHC It would be better to be thrown into the sea with a millstone hung around your neck than to cause one of these little ones to fall into sin. Parents everywhere must come to the realization that Deep State is also in Education System. There are those who do not respect the foundation of this nation and could care less about the people who are heroes that sacrificed their lives so we can be a free people. The Deep State has come after America's children and are destroying the beautiful possibilities of what they could become. How?--by dumbing down the Ed System and raising up kids that are easily led, easily manipulated (porn and perp ready among other things). But remember just as the Founding Fathers learned God is our help and In God we trust. Try reading the Bible to your kids, give them great stories such as Jonah and the Whale, David and Goliath, Esther among many that could really help kids think critically and become hope filled. We have don't forget to pray and act. God bless. SUMMARY: Today's Education Bureaucracy have Experimented on the kids for too long. They have failed, these are not just grades, these are lives, dreams that have been lost and some may never dream again. It is time to send our leaders a message Common Core State Standards and whatever else it has morphed to (anti-American, Sex Ed Highway)--Must Go! No Renaming, No Tweaking is Acceptable. In Alabama there is a vote for a Constitutional Amendment 1 on March 3, 2020 a switch and bait--parents need to VOTE NO and go to and join in the fight.. Parents DEMAND their rights back. Time for leaders to listen to them--anything else is unacceptable. Click on these pictures below and learn. Then remind yourself--your help is needed for such a time as this. Children can not fight it and parents need help. Please share this article and put #ParentTurnwithPOTUS on your post. Thank you!
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