Time To End the Lies of Schools Getting Kids to be College and Career Ready--the Cover-Up to Making Them Antifa and Snowflakes. Warning at the beginning of Common Core State Standards Initiative that it was going to cause harm was ignored...we are now seeing more and more of that result. Listen to this old interview of a Mom who saw her 8 year old child's breakdown! If it affects an 8 year old this tremendously-can you wonder how it affects teens and beyond! The interview warns of trauma and PTSD. We are tired of waiting as the mindset it has taught is now destroying the country, so please join us in putting out a call to President Trump to end the harm. Consider these: 1. We were warned at the beginning of Common Core. Group think as we are seeing in classrooms make for more kids that are easily led, easily manipulated--remember the Arab Spring? These are the kind of kids it can produce. America is a nation of independent thinkers but that is not what this is going to produce. 2. Consider the Promoters of Common Core. Remember former terrorist Bill Ayers who is invited by School Teachers Associations to be their speakers? Social Justice anyone--think Bill Ayers. 3. Consider the Funder--did you know that Globalist George Soros, who loves Open Borders funds your National Association of Board of Education as well as Black Lives Matter. He also funds Media Matters,American Bridge which is the dirt digger for sex scandals as we have seen with Trump, Kavanaugh and even Judge Roy Moore (who was a test case on how to destroy someone they could not buy). 4. Consider United Nation and how they would love it if America was just another country they can manipulate vs the Patriotic/ Nationalist country that we are now being warned is a bad thing to be. Meanwhile their Comprehensive Sex Ed that is breaking down societies is making inroads according to their plans using the guise of Human Rights Campaign--again play on words being used against us. 5. Consider the need for our country to compete globally therefore all kids must be college and career ready and we as a nation must ensure that they have healthy bodies, healthy minds, values and attitudes in compliance with the system to ensure a ready workforce. 6. There's a lot more information and if you can while you're riding in your car listen to the recording of this Saturday's Marathon/Summit to End the Harm-information you are not hearing in the mainstream (fakenews) media. 7. Consider remembering the Foundation and where blessings come from--follow Barbara Moore's ideas. 8. Consider sending a simple email to President Trump--copy and paste excerpts of Denis Ian's letter (you can paste almost half of it on Whitehouse.gov email) and put in some of your words. His letter encapsulates our concerns beautifully. When Pres Trump and First Lady reads it, they can not help but weep--it is that good. 9. Consider posting things you learned onto facebook and twitter and putting #ParentsTurnwithPOTUS on your posts. We must be heard for children's sake. Above all pray that God will be with US. 10. Consider praying portions of Psalm 35--the Founding Fathers did in the First Prayer of Congress and it made a difference. God bless. Link to Aug 3rd Marathon/Summit Recording: |
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