![]() The bill has been dropped to Abolish Common Core. Above is a pdf copy of it. Pray over it every night for children's sake. Call your Education Committee members (click on Legislature pic for the link--some of you will be tempted to call daily until this is done right). Click at these pictures for link to articles and link to legislature contacts: https://www.al.com/news/2019/11/alabamas-dead-last-test-scores-wake-up-call-for-officials.html Yes, it is past time for Alabama leaders to wake up and get rid of Common Core as the 2019 article link states. Many by now have realized the Common Core State Standards aka College and Career Readiness Standards is a failure. The nation has seen it's results and so has our state. In the beginning, we were warned it is untested--like a social experiment. Here were warnings from Joan Landes: Mental Health Concerns Regarding the Common Core Standards Joan R. Landes, M.A., AMHC • No child-development experts, psychotherapists or mental health clinicians helped to draft the Common Core (CC) standards. The inherent risks of standardizing vulnerable children were in no way addressed. The frightening high-stakes assessments have already stressed teachers and students into clinical mental health disorders. • CC demands early cortical specialization which leaves major areas of brain activation dormant. The heavy emphasis of CC upon left-prefrontal cortex executive functioning later handicaps the students for higher-order thinking and behaving because other large swaths of brain functioning haven’t been activated through sustained emphasis. It’s like training a child for 10 years to play the trumpet, then suddenly asking him to play baseball – it is very difficult because he specialized too much, too early. • CC fosters curricula and teaching strategies which are developmentally inappropriate. Numerous examples exist of CC aligned curricula which require young children to participate in “group think” which leads to peer-dependence. Other examples exist of the use of behavior/attitudinal modification techniques in the primary grades to alter children’s values and habits. These mental health interventions are dangerous in the hands of untrained school-teachers and have no business in a school that seeks to appropriately develop skills and impart knowledge. • Approximately 20% of junior high and older students have suffered a “severe” mental illness including depression, eating disorders, suicidality, self-mutilation, substance abuse and trauma-induced reactions. The extra stressors imposed by high-stakes CC assessments, unproven teaching strategies and inflexible requirements will induce further emotional and physical bleeding in these high-risk kids. • CC standards ignore current psychological research and drags education back to the industrial production practices of the 1910s. National standards prohibit meaningful customization of education. Instead of designing flexible, personalized education milestones, CC imposes heavy-handed, monolithic decrees more suitable for a manufacturing assembly line than for the cultivation of unique individuals. Expect kids with learning disabilities to suffer even more under this regimen. • CC exploits the children of America as guinea pigs in an unethical social experiment that no profession or government entity would tolerate. No studies have shown that national standards increase educational success. Furthermore, CC standards have NEVER been subjected to any sort of peer-reviewed research trials. Without years of field-testing, the risks of the unknown should never be foisted on our vulnerable, defenseless children. The FDA requires more testing of the food color in Kool-Aid than has been required of Common Core. Students that can't give change is one of the obvious signs--we have failed them. Youths running around destroying their history led by Antifa --sign we have failed our Republic. https://thefederalist.com/2018/10/26/public-schools-indoctrinate-kids-without-almost-anyone-noticing/ https://dcgop.org/indoctrination-vs-education-the-legacy-of-american-public-schools/ If you want to know more about the history of Common Core please watch video below. Today we have HB440 Alabama bill sponsored by Bob Fincher (please pray and thank God for him) to repeal Common Core. Please call your legislator and tell them this issue has gone on long enough. It is time to get back to academics...pass HB440 and get us back to Pre-CommonCore so kids can dream again and their families can be built up again too, along with our nation. May the Lord bless us as we all work together to free God's children. . The Lord bless you A Few More Reminders of Warnings leadership did not heed:
Let's Call It What It Is--Common Core aka College and Career Ready Standards Is A FAilure-look at what it did to a school that won the Dispelling the Myth Award in 2009 as top in nation now 627th of 681 Elementary Schools in Alabama...listen to Jane Robbins. Statistics from the recently released Progress in International Reading Literacy Study reveal that students in the United States have fallen from fifth place in the world to 13th. Though education elitists have tried to blame students stuck in poverty as a possible cause, American Principles Project Foundation Senior Fellow Jane Robbins believes the real explanation for students’ academic failure is obvious. "One would ask the question, ‘What happened in American schools between 2011 and 2015 that might have had some effect on this?’ and the answer – at least the obvious answer – that one would look at first would be the implementation of Common Core," Robbins asserted. Instead of blaming the deficiencies on the federally devised standards themselves, Robbins says Core proponents point to inadequate teacher training and a delay in providing good curriculum. "I guess it's the natural human tendency to be defensive when something that you advocated is turning out well and say, 'Well, you know, I guess we were wrong,'” the education expert offered. “So far, we haven't heard anybody say 'I guess we were wrong,’ – and I'm not sure that we ever will." Robbins maintains that if proponents truly cared about children, they would be doing a sober analysis of why the Common Core is not working, as well as offering ways to rescue students from the problematic federal standards...see link. Parents of Every Color Joined Together in Florida--Alabama Needs to Do The Same...Time To Take A Stand! George Hall Elem from Top in Nation to 627th in Alabama Not Acceptable. Abolish Common Core!
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