Listen to this interview with Lynne Taylor (Common Core Diva)....
The Fake News that has allowed Common Core Initiative to grow and plague our nation need you to fight it. Today, we are seeing voices of truth almost as non-existent in the mainstream media. So much brainwashing is going on that good people are overwhelmed. But the lies must be fought by caring parents. Truth is powerful. We were sold big lies--Education is the new Civil Rights says Arne Duncan. They even had the gall to use a successful elementary school as their example (ranked as one of four schools in the nation that had lowered the achievement gap and won the Dispelling the Myth Award). This school is now ranked 559th in the state of Alabama. Please share the truth everywhere on fb, on twitter, in churches, with your friends and relatives. It is time as too many children are suffering to the point we are asking Pres. Trump to hear parents as he is the only one in government that shows he cares... He is overwhelmed by attacks and we must join him...starting in prayer. Please share this website and check on our call to action. Your help is needed for children's sake as fb and twitter are diminishing truths.
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